All Commands listed with an explanation.
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All Commands listed with an explanation.
Last updated
Commands marked with are Premium only commands
Shows optional help
user: <user>
Displays information about you, or if a user is provided details about themselves.
Shows the leaderboard with the Time from everybody.
Shows everyone who is clocked in.
proof-link: <string>
proof-file: <File>
Request a timechange (removal or getting of time), you can also provide proof. An Admin can review your request. After reviewing the user gets an notification if his timerequest was accepted or declined. Also he get the time that he requested.
user: <user>
Manage employees
user: <user>
Deletes an user completely and resets their times.
Sends an message where the user can clock in and out.
user: <user>
amount: <number>
Add or remove specified amount of time to/from an user.
language: <"en" | "de">
Changes language to selected language.
Warn, delete warns or see warns from a user.
role: <Role>
Bulk operations that will perfom an actions to all users that have the specified role.
start: <
Change when a week resets, if you want that a new week starts on a other day then sunday.
Allow user to track their time.
Disable user tracking
stop tracking
Pause the clocked in time from the user. The user gets the time, which he stamped.
cancel tracking
Abort the clocked in time from the user. The Time is not counted.
generate default embed
Generates the default embed, where users can clock in or out.
pause general tracking
all users get clocked out, but they get their tracked time
cancel general tracking
all users get clocked out, but they dont get their tracked time
add time
Adds specified time to the user
remove time
Removes specified time from the user
warn user
Warn a user (warn modal). Specify reason and duration.
remove warn
Opens a select menu, where you can select a warn to delete
show warns
Show all active warnings from user
hire everyone with role
Everyone who has the specified role will be hired
fire everyone with role
Everyone who has the specified role will be fired
get time
Your request is to get time
get time removed
Your request is to get time removed
action: <
minutes: <number>
reason: <string>
action: <
action: <
action: <
user: <user>
action: <
action: <